
Shoaib the Infamous


It’s quite interesting that there are certain issues and people that when are brought up in public get immediate reactions. For instance if someone comes up with the name of ;

Bush; the immediate reaction of the general public would be what an ass-hole!

Himesh Reshamya; my ears are hurting 😛

Paris Hilton; what a slut!

Shoaib Akhter: Now what ?! or What has he done this time?

Yes the infamous and in my point of view a bit unlucky Shoaib Akhter is making headlines again and if anyone would have predicted, this incident has hardly anything to do with cricket as well. Shoaib was found guilty of beating up his fellow pacer Muhammed Asif with a bat and left a bruise on his thigh.

“I’m human and made a mistake in the heat of the moment,” Shoaib told Indian news TV channel NDTV. “Asif said something to me that made me lose my temper. I apologized to him, but I was very upset. “I’m feeling bad that two minutes of temper have ruined my comeback. Sometime you do things in a fit of temper. I will explain the situation to everyone and apologies. I will try and make it back for the series against South Africa next month.”

My question is why man? Why? How can you do something like this to your fans and above all to yourself?

My personal opinion is that the guy is cursed. His life is surrounded by controversies. I am sure that if he was present in the last world cup. He would have conveniently blamed for Bob Woolmer’s death and would have been spending his last days in some West Indian prison. But than Bob Woolmer was never killed, some stupid doctor sensationalized the autopsy result.

I am afraid this looks like an end to Shoaibs career and we will always remember him as a bowler with plenty of talent and speed but paucity of professionalism. How unfortunate 😦

5 Responses to “Shoaib the Infamous”

  1. 1 lubz
    September 8, 2007 at 5:59 pm

    I’m telling you, the whole pakisani team is cursed!
    If we stop treating Shoiab as a neccesity for our doomed cricke team, maybe he start acting like a proper person. It seems like those classy role models in our golden cricket days are replaced by brawling kids who knows how to create controversial issues yet don’t know the meaning of team spirit.
    Sad sad situation 😦

  2. September 8, 2007 at 6:18 pm

    well the new coach asked em to create a fighting spirit. I guess dat was exactly wat they were doing 😛

    and besides i still think shoaib is the best bowler in the whole world 😀

  3. September 8, 2007 at 8:15 pm

    Well guyz I also post something interesting on my blog, hope u guyz will enjoy it.

    As far as the “carrer” of Shoiab is concerned, the Indian Cricket League and 12 crore Rs. are still waiting for the fastest bowler of the world.

  4. September 9, 2007 at 7:53 am

    Ammar, Shoaib lacks team spirit and Cricket is a team game. He is one of the cricketers who make cricket interesting and if he is forced out of cricket because of his arrogance it is sad. He hasn’t learnt from his past mistakes.

  5. September 10, 2007 at 2:31 pm

    I wanted to see him in the 20 WCUP. But alas 😦

    thank you PR3RNA n Hassan for ur precious comments.

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